Order history

INSApplies to the
InSight AN
MERApplies to the
MSLApplies to the

Use order history to review your previous orders.

Reviewing your order history

When initially loaded, the order history will show orders you previously placed, including the order date, contents, fulfillment method, and status. Some orders include a further breakdown of the content such as how many data products and documents were included. You can see additional information about an order's content by expanding the entry in the table.

Working with previous orders

A number of options are available for working with your previous orders. Not all options will apply to every order.

Clearing your order history

There are two ways to clear your order history from the Order history window. Individual orders can be removed from the list by clicking on the in the Clear column of a particular order. Use the Manage section to clear some or all of your order history. For example, you can choose to clear orders more than 180 days old.

see also